Executone Information Systems was acquired by Inter-Tel in January of 2000. Inter-Tel originally stated they would continue distributing Executone's IDS, Eclipse, Infostar, Medley and Sentinel products plus several products under development through Executone's existing distributor channel and maintain the facility in Milford, CT.
In May of 2000, Inter-Tel announced the closing of the Milford facility. All Executone associates, except six, were let go.
In a quarterly SEC report dated November 14, 2001, Inter-Tel announced they had experienced difficulty assimilating the operations, products and personnel of Executone and had written off their investment in Executone and discontinued the brand name during the third quarter of 2000.
Harper Systems Executone was the only Executone dealer in the Ark-La-Tex region when the Executone brand was discontinued. We will continue to provide service and support for Executone products as we have for many years.
If you have any questions or need service on any Executone products, please call us at (800) 632-5225 or e-mail Executone.